miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

Invictus, Movie Review

Invictus (2009)
MPAA Rating: p613
Reviewed by Ignacio Herrera M on 30/10/2014
Genre: Sports drama
With: Matt Damon, Morgan Freeman
Directed by: Clint Eastwood
Distribuitor: Warner Bros

Invictus is one of the most movies that Clint Eastwood Had done in his career of a movie director. Invictus is a movie that the principal theme is how the rugby can unify the people, missing their differences and making one population.

The writer and the director inspired in the gloomy 90s of South Africa. When Nelson Mandela takes office as presidentof South Africa after having been in jail and how Mandela triggered the anti racism in South Africa when the white people segregate the population of coloured people. In the particular case of rugby the produce that the coloured people prefer the foreing rugby teams than the national  team of rugby, the springboks. In this particular case rugby plays an important role in the population, because this competition that seems petty can unify or separate a complete country.

When Mandela assumes the charge of president of South Africa , he decides to finish with the racism. In the movie at the beggining, one of the scenes when Mandela enters to to the national palace, all the withe workers were preparing their stuff because they, think, that the president will fire them because they were withe. When Mandela saw the people preparing the stuff he called to his secretary because he wants to do a meeting with all the workers asking why they were preparing their stuff, because he doesn't fired them. The other ocassion was when Mandela enters to the rugby pitch to wish good luck to the players, but he only saw one coloured player in South Africa team. Mandela knows that the racism was in the sport too. But he saw the possibility to unify the country with the world cup of rugby that would be played weeks later in South Africa and this will be something in common between the withe and coloured population. Then the president and Francois Piennar worked together to make a motivation for the Springboks and make them understand how important  what was they were doing for their country.

I recommend you to see this movie because the actors were great, particulary Morgan Freeman as the president Mandela and the another that do it great was Matt Damon as the captain of the Sprinboks. The other thing I like from this movie was the message that gives, because sports, in this particular case rugby, can unify the people taking away the differences like the color of th skin, religion and culture.

martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014

Description of a Poem

First shot: Wide shot of a man with birds flying through the air, but the night came in

Second shot: Close up of a man stayed suspended into the air and a wide shot of the life of fishermen, the path, springs and the roof tiles.

Third shot: Close up of a bird on fire wich dances out of the polen

viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

Letter to a Friend

Dear Nicolas,
Hello! how have you been?, I hope you have been ok. In my case I'm not fine, last week I was playing basketball with some friends and I was kicked by Matias. When I was back on my feet I couldn't walk and Matias took me to the hospital, then after 1 1/2 hours of waiting, I was tested with an x-ray machine and he said that I have to rest for 2 weeks, because my meniscus had been broken. I have to go to the hospital to do the operation of meniscus, the doctors will take out the meniscus and then I have to use a support for the knee in the first week, and then I have to use it only if I do sports.

But it is not too bad, now I'm resting in my house, in my bed.
Best Regards
Your friend Ignacio

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

Global Warming, The Big Problem

Today the people don't care about the global warming. This problem affect to all of us and if we not work together against this problem it win affect our lifes and animals life. Global warming is the most significant environmental problem facing us today, some impacts are alrady happening like the ice melting in the Earth's poles, some animals and plants are in risk of extinction. In spite of this, other people believe that the global warming is not happening.

Firstly, the impacts of global warming are already happening. Some of this impacts are that the sea level rise became faster, and there is an answer for this, the ice of Earth poles and mountain glaciers are melting. In the world we only have 2 percent of freshwater and we can find it in rivers, lakes, mountains and also in the Earth poles. The problem about the melting of the Earth poles ice is that the fresh water became salad because this became one with the salad water of the oceans. We can transformate the salad water to freshwater, but this process is slow and also expensive.

Furthermore some plants and animals have been affected by the impacts of the global warming. According to Henrik Selin "a large fraction of plants and animals species are likely to be at an increased risk of extinction if global surface temperatures rise another 1.5 to 2.5  celcius. If we loss a 40 percent of plants, this will affect the animals and our trade of fruits and vegetables, this will have a destructive impact on ecosystem".

On the other hand, some people believe that global warming isn't true, and that it is not happening. They believe that the Earth is more resistant to climate changes and according to Jonathan Strickland and Ed Grabianowski "plants and animals will adapt to subtle shifts in wether patterns", and they think that anything catatrophic will happen.

In conclusion, the global warming produce the ice melting in the Earth pole that rise the sea level, changes habitat of the animals and plants and if they are in risk of extinction this will affect our ecosystem. If we want to stop this catastrophic future we have to work together and reduce our greenhouse gases emissions, because this gases destroy the atmosphere and the uv ray get through the Earth and produce the global warming


Effects of global warming(2007). Retrieved from Website:http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/gw-effects/

Global Warming. Available 3 of sepetember of 2014. Retrieved from

How global warming works. Available 4 of september of 2014. Retrieved from

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

Global warming effects

Source 1:Some impacts from increasing temperatures are already happening.
  • Ice is melting worldwide, especially at the Earth’s poles. This includes mountain glaciers, ice sheets covering West Antarctica and Greenland, and Arctic sea ice.
  • Researcher Bill Fraser has tracked the decline of the Adélie penguins on Antarctica, where their numbers have fallen from 32,000 breeding pairs to 11,000 in 30 years.
  • Sea level rise became faster over the last century.
  • Some butterflies, foxes, and alpine plants have moved farther north or to higher, cooler areas.
  • Precipitation (rain and snowfall) has increased across the globe, on average.
  • Spruce bark beetles have boomed in Alaska thanks to 20 years of warm summers. The insects have chewed up 4 million acres of spruce trees
Author: national geographic

Source 2: A large fraction of plant and animal species are likely to be at an increased risk of extinction if global average surface temperatures rise another 1.5 to 2.5 °C (2.7 to 4.5 °F) by the year 2100. Species loss estimates climb to as much as 40 percent for a warming in excess of 4.5 °C (8.1 °F)—a level that could be reached in the IPCC’s higher emissions scenarios. A 40 percent extinction rate would likely lead to major changes in the food webs within ecosystems and have a destructive impact on ecosystem function
Author:Henrik Selin
http://global.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/235402/global-warming/274853/Environmental-consequences-of-global-warming. Date:Avaliable 3 of September of 2014

Source 3:Most scientists recognize that global warming does seem to be happening, but a few don't believe that it is anything to be worried about. These scientists say that the Earth is more resistant to climate changes on this scale than we think. Plants and animals will adapt to subtle shifts in weather patterns, and it is unlikely anything catastrophic will happen as a result of global warming. Slightly longer growing seasons, changes in precipitation levels and stronger weather, in their opinion, are not generally disastrous. They also argue that the economic damage caused by cutting down on the emission of greenhouse gases will be far more damaging to humans than any of the effects of global warming.
Author: Jonathan Strickland and Ed Grabianowski
Website: http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/green-science/global-warming7.htm
Date: Avaliable 4 of September

miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

Draft of Israel and Gaza Strip

Hello Nicolas, we are here in the city of Tel-Aviv, Israel, inside the conflict between Israel and the Arabic world, to be more specific in the Gaza Strip.
The day 4 of August an Israeli air force missile struck near the entrance of a United Nations school sheltering displaced Palestinians in Rafha, killing 10 people and wounding 35 others. The general Ban ki-moon said that this is a moral outrage and a criminal. Some witnesses near the school shelter, said that those killed or hurt were waiting for food supllies when the missile hit.
The Israeli army siad that it had targeted with the missile three members of Islamic Jihadon a motorcycle near the school, not the school itself, and was investigating a possible secondary explosion when the motorcycle was hit.
The united nations office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs said that of the 1525 dead palestinians to that point, at least 1033 were civilians.
The day 9 of August Israeli and Palestinians negotiators accepted Egypt's call for a new 72-hour cease-fire, this will start at one minute after midnight Monday. The Egyptian foreing ministry said in a statement that the new, temporary cease fire was intended to facilitate the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza and the repair of essential infraestructur
This is ESN news
Ignacio Herrera

miércoles, 30 de julio de 2014

Preparing my news report project

1.- What is your piece of news about? 
Israel and Gaza Strip 
2.- Select three sources of information and copy the links below.
3.- 3.- Take note of 2 or 3 comments made by one of the people involved in the the sources you chose. Write the name of the person who said that.
1.-General Ban Ki-moon "This is a moral outrage and a criminal act"

2.-United Nations "Of the 1525 dead palestinians to that point, at least 1033 are civilians"

4.- Put together 3 ideas that you would like to include in your own news report.
a)Why so much people of Gaza die?
b)Why so much civilians die?
c)The new cease fire will endure?
5.- Get ready to prepare your own news report and upload the previous information on your website.

lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

E-petition mackay

The last year we had 8 hours of sports, but now we have 4 hours!.

The reason of this situation is that the sports hours were traspased to mathematics, lenguaje, english and tic. We need the sports for a better lifestyle because sports are important to have a healthy life and some disease have less probability to happen if you frecuently do sports.

Another important thing is that sports are a fun activity to use your time, is a recreative time, a healthy and fun to use your time.

In resume sports is very important and you need it in your life, for your health. That is the reason of this e-petition because I'm worried for me and for mi classmates.

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

Letter of Protest

Bosques de Montemar 700

Brasil 735
Town hall
12 of May, 2014

Dear Mrs. Zapata,

I am writing to protest against the new toll that the people have to pay to enter to this city because in all history of Valparaiso, never the people had to pay to enter to this city.

I am particulary concerned about a lot of people that live in Valparaiso and work in Viña del Mar or Con-Con have to pay a new toll of 500 hundred pesos. They will lose earns. I imagine a maid that earns $220.000 in a month, with this new toll of $500 if she works 20 days  the money  that she had to pay is $10.000 and her earns in a month with the toll are $210.000 and in the year with the toll she earns $2.520.000 but in a year with out the toll she earns $2.640.000 in conclusion with the toll she lost $120.000.   
In addition, the tourists come to visit to 5th region, will prefer other cities like Quintero, Limache, Quillota and Reñaca. I think this toll will affect  the tourism because the other cities are free of toll and they will preffer the other cities.

It is for these reasons that I think the toll should not be aproved because it affects the people that live in Valparaiso abd the tourism of this city.
I look forward to your reply,
Best regards
Ignacio Herrera


People of Valparaiso, we are against the toll to enter to this beautiful city, we are going to organize a march on Prat street on 15/5/2014. Think of this, the people that work hard in Santiago and don't have enough money to pay the gasoline now with the toll they have to pay 500 hundred pesos more and the people that are maid and lives in Valparaiso on a month she lost a lot of money that she needs.

lunes, 14 de abril de 2014

Eva Braun

1.- Who was Eva Braun?
She was born in 6 of february of 1912. she had worked as a seamstress before her marriage.
2.-When and where was she born?
She born the 6 of february of 1912, in Munich.
3.- When and how did she die?
She died in 30 of April of 1945. She committed a suicide by bitting into a capsule of cyanide.
4.- When did she get married to Hitler and in what conditions?
On 29 of April of 1945 she get married with Adolf Hitler during a brief civil ceremony in the fuhrerbunker.

viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

Activity 1 page 23

It was a shiny day. The boy's name was felipe and he was a boy of 11 years old. He liked to go out and play with his friends.

Few days ago he was playing football in the house of a friend , but then he hit the ball and the ball fell on the street. He went out and saw the ball, but he wanted, but then a car was very fast, but the driver went out of his car and he apologysed with felipe.

Then felipe asked were he work and he was a friend of his dad. The name was thomas and he was very friendly, then the day was getting dark, and thomas brought him to his home, the boy was very happy because he met a new friend it was a little old, but he was his friend.

When the dad of felipe came home, felipe was very happy and told him the adventures of his day and that he met  thomas and his father was very surprised. He said “did you met thomas, oh! Wath a coincidense”.

In the end felipe has a new friend and he had a great day