miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

Draft of Israel and Gaza Strip

Hello Nicolas, we are here in the city of Tel-Aviv, Israel, inside the conflict between Israel and the Arabic world, to be more specific in the Gaza Strip.
The day 4 of August an Israeli air force missile struck near the entrance of a United Nations school sheltering displaced Palestinians in Rafha, killing 10 people and wounding 35 others. The general Ban ki-moon said that this is a moral outrage and a criminal. Some witnesses near the school shelter, said that those killed or hurt were waiting for food supllies when the missile hit.
The Israeli army siad that it had targeted with the missile three members of Islamic Jihadon a motorcycle near the school, not the school itself, and was investigating a possible secondary explosion when the motorcycle was hit.
The united nations office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs said that of the 1525 dead palestinians to that point, at least 1033 were civilians.
The day 9 of August Israeli and Palestinians negotiators accepted Egypt's call for a new 72-hour cease-fire, this will start at one minute after midnight Monday. The Egyptian foreing ministry said in a statement that the new, temporary cease fire was intended to facilitate the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza and the repair of essential infraestructur
This is ESN news
Ignacio Herrera