A) Hectic = characterized by extreme activity or excitement.
B) schedule = a plan of procedure for a project, allotting the work to be done and the time for it.
C) hanging = the act of a person or thing that hangs.
D) dig = to form or excavate (a hole, tunnel, passage, etc) by digging, usually with an implement or (of animals) with feet, claws, etc.
E) kneeling = to rest, fall, or support oneself on one’s knees.
F) hauling up = to drag or draw (something) with effort.
G) pottery shards =articles, vessels, etc, made from earthenware and dried and baked in a kiln.
H) beads = a small usually spherical piece of glass, wood, plastic, etc, with a hole through it by means of which it may be strung with others to form a necklace, etc.
I) lodging = a temporary residence.
J) wares = articles of manufacture considered as being for sale.
k) allay = to relieve (pain, grief, etc) or be relieved.
L) impoverished =to make poor or diminish the quality of: to impoverish society by cutting the grant to the arts.
M) pounding = to walk (the pavement, street, etc) repeatedly: he pounded the pavement looking for a job.
N) outfitter = a shop that sells men’s clothes